Interior & Exterior Painting Wichita, KS | Western Painting

News & Advice

How Much Over An Estimate Is Acceptable?

How Much Over An Estimate Is Acceptable?

The amount by which a project cost can exceed the initial estimate can vary depending on several factors, including the nature of the project, the level of detail in the initial estimate, and unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the project. Communicate openly with your contractor throughout the process to…
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How Do You Tell A Contractor Their Price Is Too High?
Contractors Estimations

How Do You Tell A Contractor Their Price Is Too High?

When it comes to hiring contractors for home improvement projects, receiving estimates is a standard part of the process. What should you do if you believe a contractor’s price is too high for your budget? How Do You Politely Decline an Estimate? Express Gratitude – Start by expressing appreciation for…
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How Do I Bid For Exterior Painting Of My House?
Contractors Estimations

How Do I Bid For Exterior Painting Of My House?

Bidding for the exterior painting of your house is an important process that requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. How Do I Estimate Exterior Paint? Estimating the amount of exterior paint needed for your house involves several steps… Measure the Surface Area –  Calculate the total square footage…
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How Do I Estimate Exterior Paint?
Estimations Exterior Painting

How Do I Estimate Exterior Paint?

Estimating the amount of exterior paint needed for a painting project is crucial for proper planning and budgeting. Whether you’re painting your own house or hiring a professional painter, understanding how to estimate exterior paint can help you ensure that you have the right amount of paint to complete the…
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How Long Does It Take To Paint A 2000 Sq Ft House Exterior?
Estimations Exterior Painting

How Long Does It Take To Paint A 2000 Sq Ft House Exterior?

Painting the exterior of a house is a significant project that requires careful planning and consideration of various factors, including the size of the house, the condition of the surfaces, and the type of paint being used. How Long Does It Take to Paint a 2000 Square Foot House? The…
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Do You Negotiate With Painters?
Contractors Estimations Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

Do You Negotiate With Painters?

Negotiating with painters can be an effective way to ensure you get the best value for your painting project. In this concise guide, we’ll answer common questions about negotiating with painters and provide tips for achieving a fair and satisfactory agreement. Do You Negotiate With Painters? Yes, it’s possible to…
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Should You Haggle With Painters?
Advice Contractors Estimations Home Painting

Should You Haggle With Painters?

When it comes to hiring painters for your home improvement projects, many homeowners wonder if it’s acceptable to negotiate prices. In this blog post, we’ll explore whether haggling with painters is a common practice, and provide tips for navigating the process effectively. Can you negotiate the price of a painting…
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How Much Does It Cost To Paint The Inside Of A 2500 Ft2 Home?
Advice Estimations Home Painting Interior Painting

How Much Does It Cost To Paint The Inside Of A 2500 Sq.Ft Home?

Painting the interior of a 2500-square-foot home is a significant investment that can breathe new life into your living space. In this blog post, we’ll provide a concise breakdown of the costs involved in painting a home of this size, along with estimates for the amount of paint required. Whether…
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What Is The Average Labor Cost To Paint The Exterior Of A House?
Estimations Exterior Painting Home Painting

What Is The Average Labor Cost To Paint The Exterior Of A House?

Are you planning to give your home’s exterior a fresh coat of paint? Understanding the average labor cost involved can help you budget effectively and ensure a smooth painting process. Let’s delve into the details… What Is The Average Labor Cost To Paint The Exterior Of A House? The average…
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Why Are House Painters So Expensive?
Contractors Estimations Home Painting

Why Are House Painters So Expensive?

Have you ever wondered why hiring a professional house painter can sometimes come with a hefty price tag? Let’s explore the reasons behind the cost of hiring house painters and whether it’s worth the investment… Why Are House Painters So Expensive? Expertise and Skill – Professional painters undergo extensive training…
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