Interior & Exterior Painting Wichita, KS | Western Painting

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What Is Considered A Bad Paint Job?
Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

What Is Considered A Bad Paint Job?

A bad paint job can manifest in various ways, often resulting from poor technique, insufficient preparation, or low-quality materials. Here are some common indicators of a bad paint job… Uneven Coverage – If the paint appears patchy or streaky, with areas of inconsistent color or texture, it indicates that the…
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Why Do Painters Water Down Paint?
Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

Why Do Painters Water Down Paint?

Painters might choose to water down paint for a few reasons, though this practice isn’t always recommended and can vary depending on the specific circumstances… Consistency – Watering down paint can help achieve a smoother consistency, making it easier to apply evenly with a brush or roller. This is particularly…
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How Can You Tell A Bad Paint Job?
Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

How Can You Tell A Bad Paint Job?

Identifying a bad paint job requires careful observation and attention to detail. Here are some telltale signs that can indicate a subpar paint job… Uneven Coverage – Inconsistent color or texture across surfaces may indicate that the paint was applied unevenly or with insufficient coverage. Drips and Runs – Visible drips,…
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What Should You Paint First In A House?
Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

What Should You Paint First In A House?

When painting a house, it’s best to start with the ceilings and then move on to the walls, followed by any trim or other details. Here’s the typical order of painting… Ceilings – Painting the ceilings first allows any drips or splatters to be easily covered when painting the walls…
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Should You Cut In Or Roll First When Painting?
Home Painting Interior Painting

Should You Cut In Or Roll First When Painting?

The order of cutting in (using a brush to paint along edges and corners) versus rolling (using a roller to paint larger areas) when painting a room can vary depending on personal preference and the specifics of the project. A common approach is to cut in first, followed by rolling.…
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Can You Paint A House Without Washing It?
Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

Can You Paint A House Without Washing It?

While it’s possible to paint a house without washing it, it’s generally not advisable or recommended. Proper surface preparation is essential for a successful paint job, and washing the house before painting is a crucial step for several reasons… Dirt and Grime Removal – Washing the exterior surface removes dirt,…
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How Long Do I Wait To Paint After Pressure Washing?
Cleaning Exterior Painting Home Painting

How Long Do I Wait To Paint After Pressure Washing?

Pressure washing is an essential step in preparing surfaces for painting, whether it’s your home’s exterior, a deck, or a fence. Knowing how long to wait before applying paint after pressure washing is crucial for a successful paint job. In this guide, we’ll answer common questions about the timing between…
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Can Painters Do Two Coats In One Day?
Home Painting Interior Painting

Can Painters Do Two Coats In One Day?

When tackling a painting project, efficiency and timing are key considerations. Many homeowners wonder if painters can complete two coats of paint in a single day to expedite the process. How Many Coats of Paint Can You Do in a Day? The number of coats of paint that can be…
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What Does Sugar Soap Do Before Painting?
Exterior Painting Home Painting

What Does Sugar Soap Do Before Painting?

Sugar soap is a commonly used cleaning agent in painting projects, but what exactly does it do? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the purpose and benefits of sugar soap before painting, addressing common questions and providing insights into its role in achieving a successful paint job.   Do…
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What Is The Best Thing To Wash Walls With Before Painting?
Exterior Painting Home Painting Interior Painting

What Is The Best Thing To Wash Walls With Before Painting?

Preparing walls before painting is essential for achieving a flawless finish and ensuring the longevity of your paint job. One crucial step in this process is washing the walls to remove dirt, grease, and other contaminants. But what is the best thing to wash walls with before painting?   What…
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